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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Hier finden Sie Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen zu BIM für den FoodService Sektor.


Sollten Sie keine Antwort auf Ihre spezielle Frage finden, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren!

  • How IFSE Group works?
    Please see the following docs if you want to learn how the IFSE Groups works. for every question don't hesitate to contact using the Contact Form
  • How can I propose to add or change a parameter?
    Feel free to submit us your requests. Fill the doc you can find to the following link, and send an email to and or Our team of experts meets every 3/6 months and we will send you our answer immediately. For your information here you can see our workflow for new parameters
  • Where I can find the TXT files with all the parameters?
    Go to our Downloads page and inside this folder you'll find all the latest TXT files in 6 languages ready to be imported in Revit!
  • Where I can find the complete list of parameters?
    Go to our Downloads page and inside this folder you'll find the latest Parameters Data Dictionary in XLS format. Inside you will find all the parameters, whether they are valid or obsolete, their description and explanation, their origin and all useful information for your job. All the parameters are divided into groups (Revit compatible) and subgroups to help you find and read them. Please note that the XLS file cannot be imported into Revit or any other BIM software; this is for explanatory purposes only. If you need the parameters to import them into Revit, check the previous question about TXT files.
  • How I could become an IFSE member?
    Please send an email to or with your details and expertise. we'll be happy to answer you asap.
  • How can I check if our BIM Families are correct?
    you can drop an email with your sample RFA files directly to and we'll revise your files and we'll be back to you asap.
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